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March 1-2, 2025
Chi Activation
Healing Technique

Level 1

Multifrequency Healing Unleashed

Chi Activation Healing Technique is a powerful new high-vibrational healing modality that enables students to tap deeply into their innate healing potential.

Perfect for students of other modalities who are ready to further expand their healing abilities, Level 1 uses a series of powerful energy activations to attune students to three healing energies, ranging from ultra-grounding to ultra-high vibrational frequencies.

So with an extensive range of healing energies at your disposal, you'll be able to pick the most appropriate energy frequency to heal both yourself and others.

Want to ground? Chi Activation has you covered. Want to tune into your Higher Self? Covered again.

Chi Activation Healing has three increasingly advanced levels, and will ultimately teach you both to tap into unlimited energy frequencies and to heal with the mind. So if you have found yourself plateauing with other healing systems, or if you know you can get more out of your innate healing abilities, give it a try. Chi Activation Healing will leverage everything you have already done and take it to new heights.

To find out what makes Chi Activation Healing so unique, scroll down this page.

"Chi Activation is an amazing course. Jeremy practically and emotionally supports his students so that even someone who does not consider themselves sensitive ends up mastering the exercises and learning how they operate energetically. I cannot recommend the course, and any interaction with Jeremy for that matter, enough."
(Louise Cengia)

Upcoming Chi Activation Level 1 Courses

Instalment Special: For all of our courses, we currently have 2, 3 and 5 monthly instalment options (and the total investment remains the same, no matter what option you choose). So you can get started for as little as $98. Simply click on the ‘enrol now button’ and select your preferred option.

Course Guarantee: All of our courses come with a unique satisfaction guarantee, so you never need fear you'll regret your decision to attend. (click here for details).

Course Instructor: Our Melbourne courses are all run by the creator of Chi Activation, Jeremy O’Carroll. He has three decades of healing experience, and is the founder of the much-loved Om Reiki and Australian Pellowah Centres. (To find out more about him, click here.)

Next Chi Activation Course
March 1-2, 2025 in
Fitzroy North
Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll
(10am - 5:00 / 5:30pm)

Investment : $490 (3 X monthly 163.34)

Next Chi Activation Course
May 3-4, 2025 in
Fitzroy North
Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll
(10am - 5:00 / 5:30pm)

Investment : $490 (3 X monthly 163.34)

How chi-activation courses work

Chi Activation is an advanced healing method that teaches practitioners to tap into chi energy (also known as ‘qi’, ‘ki’, ‘prana’, ‘shakti’ and ‘spiritual energy’) to heal both themselves and others.

While on the surface it resembles healing methods like Reiki, it seeks more to develop a healer’s intuition and innate healing abilities. Importantly, it does this while enabling practitioners to stay grounded and energetically protected at all times.

Since what you learn in Chi Activation doesn’t overlap with the skills learned in healing methods like Reiki, it is not only great for those setting out on their healing journey, but also those who are already experienced energy workers and healers.

How chi-activation - Level 1 works

Your Chi Activation Level 1 course is carefully crafted so that all of its parts work harmoniously together. Step by step, you’ll connect more and more to your innate healing abilities, enabling you to progressively channel more and more chi (energy). clear your meridians - enhance your energetic sensitivity After introductions and an overview of what you’ll be learning, the course proper will begin with a powerful meditation to clear your meridians (your body’s energy channels) and enhance your energetic sensitivity. The meditation will help you to clear energetic blocks and heal areas that are energetically depleted. At its conclusion, you will feel relaxed, centred and primed for the day’s meditations and attunements. This meditation will also harmonize and enhance the group’s energy, enabling everyone to learn faster than they would alone.

The art of grounding

One of the challenges many healers face is that they are more sensitive than the average person. This is both a blessing and a curse. It helps them to intuit the best way to help someone, but it also means they can more easily be affected by negative/low vibrational energy.

In fact, the majority of people attending a healing course find that they are often drained by negative environments, people and needy friends. They are by nature givers and helpers, but this can come back to bite them when the people they are helping drain them of energy.

The great thing about Chi Activation Healing is that you will never get drained while giving it, and you will even learn techniques to help avoid such things in everyday life.

In particular, the course teaches students to connect to their base chakra, their Earth Star chakra (found below the soles of their feet) and the Earth.

By harnessing these three energies, they will find it far easier to navigate even busy and scattered environments.

"Fantastic!!! Jeremy is an excellent teacher, the venue is perfect & Chi Activation is an incredible modality - you couldn’t get a nicer or more knowledgeable group of people & I can’t wait to come back & do level 2!!"
(Katherine Linley)

working with chakras

The chakras are your body’s main energy centres. In this course, you’ll learn how to recharge, balance and heal them with chi. To speed up the process, we’ll not only show you how to heal two chakras simultaneously, but also which ones work best together. We’ll also show you how you can use the energy from your healthy chakras to help balance the ones that need a little extra work.

Chakra Activations

In the level 1 class, you will be activated to four chakras (3 major and one minor). These will enable to you channel three distinct energies (from super-grounding to ultra-high vibrational frequencies).

As a result, you'll have triple the healing reach of almost any other healing modality.


Most people know that the base chakra is grounding. What they often don't know is that we have another potent grounding chakra: the Earth star chakra
Found approximately 15-30cm below the soles of the feet, it will plug you into Mother Earth and stabilize and boost your entire energy body.


Your energy field contains a second major gateway to source:
your soul star chakra. Found some 6 inches above your crown, it is less well known than your body's seven main chakras, but connecting to it will enable you to channel greater quantities of energy from Source.

To discover how wide-ranging the benefits of connecting to the Soul Start chakra can be, have a look at our article: ‘The Soul Star Chakra: A Corporate Worker's Guide to Stress Relief’.


The heart chakra helps us connect to others. It also opens up the minor chakras in the palms and produces a delightfully nurutring, healing energy.
After being activated to it, you'll immediately be able to heal yourself and others with its loving energy.


At the centre of your palms lie minor chakras. Activating these enables students to channel healing energy – energy they can even give to plants and pets.

In the course, you will not only receive a palm chakra activation, you will also be taught a powerful meditation for stimulating and sensitizing these (minor) chakras.

15 Intriguing Reasons You Should learn
Chi Activation

Find out why Chi Activation will take your healing way beyond Reiki and other single-frequency modalities in Jeremy's free ebook '15 Intriguing Reasons You Should Learn Chi Activation', and sign up to receive his Om Newsletter' where he will share powerful ideas to improve your healing.

Perfect Reiki Course Cover

using the quantum field
to thrive in low-energy places

One of the challenges of getting stuck both with ‘energy vampires’ and in ‘low vibrational’ places is that we can all too easily start focusing on the negative. Do too much of this, and (thanks to the law of attraction) you will end up attracting to yourself the very things your fear. That is why so many healers still get drained when they head out into crowds or when they help their needy friend – even when they employ their ‘defensive’ techniques!

They visualize all sorts of things to stay protected, but still end up getting ‘slimed’. In this course, Jeremy teaches another approach to staying energetically safe – one where you raise your vibration to the point that negative energy simply doesn’t stick. By using this technique, you can keep your mind focused on the good things, improve your state of wellbeing and keep safely out of harm’s way.

The Power of Sound

To create a truly unique experience, the Chi Activation Centre has teamed up with musical maestros Soul Intentionz (www.soulintentionz.com) to create original, high-vibrational music to accompany all of the chakra activations.

Attuned to specific frequencies, the music helps students journey deep within themselves and connect to their innate multi-frequency healing ability.

"Jeremy has implemented his substantial knowledge and experience in energy work to create a system that is experiential, intuitive, user-friendly and powerful. Do yourself an absolute favour and take the plunge into the world of chi activation. You could not be in better hands!"
(Christian Van Eck)

chi for healing

As the name of this course suggests, Chi Activation is all about learning to draw chi energy from Source.

Since it is not your energy, the process will never see you lose any personal energy. In fact, the more energy you give to another using our technique, the better you will feel.

In the course, you will learn to summon chi energy at will – energy you can then give to either yourself or others (or even – as mentioned – to plants and animals).

In particular, we attune you to 3 distinct healing frequencies (covering a wide range of healing energies), meaning that you'll have great versatility with your healing. You can ground someone, connect them to their high self, heal their heart chakra – whatever!

With multiple healing energies to choose from, you will always find an excellent one to work with – no matter what the issue, and during the course, you'll practice all five frequencies on both yourself and other students. As a result, you will walk away confident and ready to use your new skills.

"Jeremy has created the perfect environment for his amazing energy courses. The weekends I have spent in this centre, surrounded by trees and all the glory of mother nature was exactly what my soul needed. The Chi Activation course has given me the energetic tools to bring this back to the city. Thanks a million, Jeremy."
(Christina Mullins)

Chi Activation Healing:
Versatile and intuitive

Unlike Reiki, healing in our method is completely intuitive. So although we may discuss certain hand positions for specific healing purposes, in general, you’ll learn to trust your gut and allow your intuition to guide you from position to position.

Chi Healing can be done both with touch or without. Both are equally effective. So while students will spend much time employing light physical touch, they will also do critical work on the auric field. Since many conditions originate there, this is often a cucial component to re-establishing wellbeing.

Chi Activation Healing:
The Complete Healing Method

While Chi Activation complements other healing modalities beautifully, it is also complete in itself.

After doing it, you will typically experience:

Greater clarity

An improved sense of wellbeing

Greater emotional balance

Enhanced calm (less stress!)

You will also have a tool to channel life-giving energy to both yourself and others.

To find out more, please call us on 0417 328 475.

Chi Activation Goes High Tech with
TOur State-of-the-Art Aura Machine

Our Chi Activation courses all use the most advanced aura camera that we know of to provide a deeper understanding and analysis of all students' energy data. The aura machine gathers information on your:

  • Auric field
  • 7 chakras
  • Yin/yang balance
  • Mind/body/spirit balance
  • Emotional/energetic calmness
  • Energy levels and
  • Relaxation levels

It then summarizes your basic energy type and gives you a comprehensive written analysis of your strengths, challenges and opportunities.

"Jeremy’s Chi Activation course is truly magical. I did his course recently and have already started using it on my clients. My client, who normally comes to me for reiki, noticed a big difference in energy. I myself can feel the quantum energy all around me and penetrating through me . It feels wonderful ."
(Bernice BlackRose)

chi activation portal

To make sure students can both remember and go over material taught (and, quite often, even extend it!), all students will have access to our Chi Activation Level 1 video portal which you can access on both your desktop and mobile devices.

The video portal includes all of the meditations conducted during the course (and replaces a manual). So you can go through the techniques and meditations time and time again after the course. It is a unique feature of our courses that helps take your healing to a deeper level.

Chi Activation Manual

The level 1 Chi Activation course now comes with a detailed manual.

The manual not only covers the material you learned in the course, but also adds detail.

Chi Activation Healing Technique Level 1

Used in conjunction with the Level 1 video portal, you’ll have all the information and materials you need to master the techniques you learned – without ever needing to fear you’ll forget something.

Chi Activation Pre and
post-Course Program

When Jeremy O'Carroll first started teaching healing full-time over 15 years ago, he taught it (in this case, Reiki) as he had been taught. This meant that students did pretty well what they did everywhere else: they rocked up for the course, attended it and then said 'ciao'!

Nowadays it seems crazy to teach like this, but this is what almost everyone – even to this day – still does.

They run a course over two days and that's that. Students are not primed before the course to help them get the most out of it, and they are not guided afterwards (to ensure mastery and follow-through of the techniques learned).

This means that even though almost everyone enjoys whichever healing course they take, most students don't get nearly as much out of it as they could.

Perhaps in part due to his background in teaching (Jeremy lectured and tutored at the University of Melbourne), and in part due to experience, Jeremy soon realized that students needed a lot more support to extract the maximum from his course.

As a result, he introduced both pre-course exercises and a post-course 21-day program.

The pre-course work is simple to do and includes some important guided meditation practices as well as general information on how best to prepare for your course (this part is found in the 'pre-course' section of the video portal).

The meditations can easily be done by anyone – even students who haven't practised meditation before – and they will ensure you are energetically ready to get the most out of your weekend.

The post-course 21-day program is done via email and video, and includes daily emails with techniques to practice, and further information to deepen everything you have learned.

With thousands of students going through Jeremy's healing courses, he knows the likely challenges you will face post-course. His 21-day program is designed to not just help you overcome these but also develop real confidence in everything you have learned.

"I have just completed Chi Activation level 2 and it is an amazing course! If you are serious about energy healing, then this modality needs to be in your tool box!!"
(S. Noal)

Post Course Phone and Email Support

Sometimes you have a unique question/situation that isn't covered in any of our teaching materials. If this is the case, then we're happy to answer your questions – no matter how silly or weird you think they might be!– via email or phone. Simply call us on 0417 328 457, or write to us at info@chiactivation.com.au.

Drinks and Chocolate
(In-person courses only)

We provide complimentary tea (mostly herbal) and chocolate, but students are encouraged to bring their own snacks and drinks to keep their energy high.

Next Chi Level 1 course

Chi Activation

Level 1

March 1-2, 2025

Sat. & Sun.: 10am - 5:00 / 5:30pm

Venue: Fitzroy North, Melbourne

Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll

Investment: $490

Next Chi Level 2 course

Chi Activation

Level 2

April 5-6, 2025
Sat. & Sun.: 10am - 5:00 / 5:30pm

Venue: Fitzroy North, Melbourne

Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll

Investment: $490

March 1-2 Payment Options

Choose the payment plan that best suits you:

Single Payment

Investment: $490

2 Monthly Payments

Investment: 2 X $245

3 Monthly Payments

Investment: 3 X $163.34

5 Monthly Payments

Investment: 5 X $98

The Origin of Chi Activation Healing

Upcoming Chi Activation Courses

chi activation
Level 1

March 1-2, 2025 in Fitzroy North

Course Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll

Investment : $490

chi activation
Level 2

April 5-6, 2025 in Fitzroy North, Melbourne

Course Instructor: Jeremy O'Carroll



March 1-2, 2025 in Fitzroy North

Times: Sat: 10am - 5:00 / 5:30pm
Sun: 10am - 5:00 / 5:30pm

Choose the payment plan, that best suits you:

All at once


Monthly Installment Plan

$490 (3 X $163.34)

Monthly Installment Plan

$490 (5 X $98)

All courses have a full-refund satisfaction guarantee. For more information, please contact the Chi Activation Centre.

Mob: 0417 328 457
Email: info@chiactivation.com.au
For details of our upcoming level 2 course, see our Level 2 course homepage.


Although we offer a full-refund satisfaction guarantee for those who attend our Level 2 course, we do not offer a refund if you change your mind about our course without attending it. If you give us two weeks' notice, however, we will be happy to alter the date of your course.

If you wish to change dates between 3-13 days before the course, you will be charged a $100 change-of-date fee.

We cannot change the date of the course if we are given two or fewer days.

So if you decide to enrol, commit to coming, be there rain, hail or shine. There is great power in that, and it will ensure you have an amazing experience.

Remember: after enrolling, doubts sometimes come up. This is normal. Your ego - your small self - is not just afraid of change, it knows that Chi Activation will create change! It knows how powerful it is. So if your ego resists, laugh at it and trust the intuition, the inner guidance or inspiration that had you enrol in the first place. It will never fail you.

Praise for Our Chi
Activation Courses

find out more about chi activation


chi activation
Level 2

Learn the art of 'vibrational balancing'.

Tap into unlimited energy frequencies. Smash through unnecessary healing limitations.

Develop your healing potential to new heights with Chi Activation Level 2.


chi activation
Master Level

Next Master Level Course: May 9-11

Take your healing to the highest level with our Chi Activation Master Level, where you’ll be initiated into the system’s most advanced healing and meditation techniques.

What’s more, you’ll also learn how to teach Chi Activation, and as a result, grant others the gift of multi-frequency healing.